Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Now this was an interesting turn of events. By this I mean, the letter I found on the thick "Welcome" mat that sits below my post box. Thick, spiky, and brown, (the welcome mat not the letter) it's definatly not so welcome as it used to be. I grabbed it from a market stall three years ago on the cheap. The dyed letters had come out wrong, and said something more akin to "Hell come" then Welcome. Typical. AND it catches on the door every time I open it, which is irritating to the extreme. But, like I said, it was not expensive.

However, that is not the point just now. The point is this. This letter sitting unread on my desk beside me as I write. My own fault, I should never have sent the damn thing. Now though, it's been replied to. Why didn't the postman drop the thing when I told him to! I will have to try sending a "get a rash" mental message to him later. Not that it will do any good, but might calm me down, and cheer me up.

Or not.

because when I've finished messing around, the letter will still be here. In it's official looking brown envelope with my address (but not name) on it. I know who it's from. It's blindingly obvious, but...

Oh!!! I am so annoyed! Why did he have to write back! Not my fault, HIS!

It's staying unread, that's what. It's going in the trash. Or, at least, in this drawer, under the photoalbum, and the holiday brochures. There! Done. And there it can stay! I am a genius!


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